Map of Garrochales comunidad

Garrochales is a barrio in the municipality of Barceloneta, Puerto Rico. Its population in 2010 was 4,542.

Garrochales comunidad overview:
Name:Garrochales comunidad
LSAD Code:55
LSAD Description:comunidad (suffix)
State:Puerto Rico
County:Barceloneta Municipio
Elevation:16 ft (5 m)
Total Area:4.49 sq mi (11.6 km²)
Land Area:4.47 sq mi (11.6 km²)
Water Area:0.02 sq mi (0.05 km²)
Total Population:4,542
Population Density:423.7/sq mi (163.6/km²)
FIPS code:7230372

Online Interactive Map

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Garrochales online map. Source: Basemap layers from Google Map, Open Street Map (OSM), Arcgisonline, Wmflabs. Boundary Data from Database of Global Administrative Areas.

Garrochales location map. Where is Garrochales comunidad?

Garrochales location on the Puerto Rico map. Where is Garrochales comunidad.
Location of Garrochales in Puerto Rico.


Puerto Rico was ceded by Spain in the aftermath of the Spanish–American War under the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1898 and became an unincorporated territory of the United States. In 1899, the United States Department of War conducted a census of Puerto Rico finding that the population of Garrochales barrio was 1,058.

Garrochales Road Map

Road map of Garrochales
Road map of Garrochales

Garrochales city Satellite Map

Satellite map of Garrochales
Satellite map of Garrochales

See also

Map of other states:
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